December 26, 2024.
We are delighted to announce 8th ICBTA2025 will be held
during Dec. 12-14, 2025 in Kanazawa, Japan. Welcome you to particpate
in the conference and contribute your research work.
December 10, 2024.
ICBTA2024 conference was held in Xi'an
successfully during December 6-8, 2024.
September 09, 2024.
Good News! ICBTA2024 proceedings was
indexed by
EI Compendex and
June 28, 2024.
Good News! ICBTA2023 proceedings has been available at
ACM digital library.
December 22, 2023.
Good News! ICBTA2023 conference was
held during Dec. 15-17 2023 in hybird format and the
in-person conference took place in Xi'an.
17, 2023.
Good News! ICBTA2022 proceedings has been available at
ACM digital library.
December 20, 2022. ICBTA2022 was held online during Dec. 16-18, 2022 due to travel restrictions. We are very grateful to the keynote speakers, the
International advisory committees, session chairs who
contributed to the success of this conference. Also, we are
thankful to all the authors who submitted papers.
8, 2022. The submisssion link will
be open soon.
5, 2022. Fifth ICBTA conference is to take
place from 16th of December to 18th of December in 2022 in
20, 2022.
Good News! ICBTA2021 proceedings has been available at
ACM digital library.
22, 2021.
Participants included many who might
have had difficulty attending an in-person meeting because
of geographic or financial constraints,
Thank you again for attending the 2021 Fourth ICBTA
Virtual Conference.
21, 2021.
After many requests for an
extension, we are offering the early-bird rates till
October 20 in ICBTA2021 . (View more)
16, 2021.
Prof. Hai Jin, from Huazhong
University of Science and Technology has confirmed to give a
keynote talk in ICBTA2021. (View more)
14, 2021.
Prof. Ljiljana Trajkovic from
Simon Fraser University has confirmed to give a invited
speech in ICBTA2021. (View more)
13, 2021. Dr. Oriol Caudevilla, the
FinTech Advisor, Management & Strategy Consultant and
Researcher has confirmed to give a invited speech in
ICBTA2021. (View more)
12, 2021.
Prof. Xiaodong Wang from
Columbia University has confirmed to give a keynote talk in
ICBTA2021. (View
11, 2021.
Prof. Assaf Schuster from
Israel Institute of Technology has confirmed to give a
keynote talk in ICBTA2021. (View more)
16, 2021. Good News! ICBTA2020 proceedings has been available at
digital library
7, 2021.
Would you be willing to act as a reviewer for papers
submitted to the ICBTA Annual Conference 2021? Please email
your profile to to join us.
5, 2021.
The online submission system for the ICBTA Annual Conference
is now open. (
25, 2021.
2021 Fourth
International Conference on Blockchain Technology and
Applications(ICBTA 2021) will be held in Xi'an again during
December 17-19, 2021.
20, 2020.
In recognition of the impact that
COVID-19 has had on our personal lives,
the organising committee has decided to
turn 3rd ICBTA conference into
virtual form. It provided unique
opportunities to connect participants
from all over the world during December
14-16, 2020.
25, 2020.
Good News! ICBTA2019 proceedings has been available at
digital library
20, 2020.
Would you be willing to act as a reviewer for papers
submitted to the ICBTA Annual Conference 2020? Please email
your profile to to join us.
20, 2020. The online submission system for the ICBTA Annual Conference
is now open. (
15, 2020. 3rd
International Conference on Blockchain Technology and
Applications(ICBTA 2020) will be held in Xi'an again during
December 14-16, 2020.
December. 15, 2019.
2nd ICBTA conference was held
successfully during December 9-11, 2019.
12, 2019.
Good News!
ICBTA2018 proceedings has been available at
14, 2018.
ICBTA2018 was successfully held in Xi'an
during Dec.10-12, 2018. Thanks for your
support. Please download the group photo
here .